Big Mama's House Podcast - podcast for teens covering mental health of teens, tech issues and teens, teens and anxiety, digital parenting tips for for parents, Internet Safety speaker for schools, Jesse Weinberger Internet Safety Speaker for schools

A sobbing nine-year-old girl admitted to me she’s addicted to porn – this is why we need to tackle online safety NOW – Sun (UK)


BTW – The editor swapped in UK-friendly phrasing and language and I did NOT choose the graphics that went with the article. 🙂

– Big Mama


A sobbing nine-year-old girl admitted to me she’s addicted to porn – this is why we need to tackle online safety NOW

BREAKING down in tears in front of me, a nine-year-old girl struggles to form words as she admits she’s become addicted to porn. The most shocking part is how utterly normal this sort of reve…